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Resistant Starch


Resistant Starch extracted
from Metroxylon Sagu

What is Resistant Starch


Metroxylon Sagu

is the Latin name for “true sago palm” which is a species of palm. Metroxylon Sagu is recorded in the Tibetan Medicine classic series of “Crystal Beads Materia Medica” (《晶珠本草》) for treating cold and dysentery.

Dysentery is diarrhoea which contains blood. It is caused by any kind of infection. It is a type of gastroenteritis. The mechanism is an inflammatory disorder of the intestine, especially of the colon.

Metroxylon Sagu is recorded in Tibetan Medicine for its healing effects on strengthening the spleen and lungs, treating indigestion and diarrhoea, and its extract can help weight control and improve skin conditions.

Lean ‘n Slim™ contains 45% of resistant starch extracted from Metroxylon Sagu.


What is Resistant Starch?

Starch is a carbohydrate found in potatoes, rice, maize, wheat, corn and other grains. Starches are long complex chains of simple sugars but not all starches are created equal.

Starches such as potatoes, cereals, and baked goods are digested very quickly, and cause a rapid and large rise in blood sugar. Others are digested more slowly, such as beans, barley and long grain rice, causing blood glucose to rise less and over a longer period of time.

Resistant starch actually goes all the way through the small intestine without being digested at all, and so causes little or no blood sugar rise. In this way, it is more like fiber, and in some cases is classified and labelled as fiber. Most starchy foods have at least a small amount of resistant starch in them. The larger the percentage of rapidly-digested starch in a starchy food, the higher the glycemic index of that food.

Does resistant starch have calories?

Yes, but it does not cause blood glucose to rise like regular starch. When you eat resistant starch, they are used for fuel by the bacteria in the colon. This process, called fermentation, produces a certain type of fat called short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). It is these fatty acids which produce most of the calories from resistant starch, and many of the health benefits. SCFAs are also produced by soluble fiber and oligosaccharides – this is the reason why on some food labels, some fiber is shown as having calories associated with it, but these calories do not raise blood glucose.

Benefits of resistant starch

Benefits of resistant starch

Behaves like oligosaccharides and fermentable fiber

oligosaccharides and fermentable

Benefits of resistant starch

Behaves like oligosaccharides and fermentable fiber

  1. Resistant starch is digested by intestinal bacteria to produce short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and butyrate is one of the most important ones among them. Butyrate protects the colon cells and is associated with less genetic damage (which can lead to cancer). Oligosaccharides and soluble fiber also produce butyrate in the fermentation process, but not at the levels of resistant starch.
  2. As with other fermentable fiber, resistant starch increases the absorption of minerals, especially calcium and magnesium.
  3. Promotes “good” bacteria, and supresses “bad” bacteria and their toxic products.
  4. Promotes bowel regularity.


Benefits of resistant starch

Regulates Glucose, More Satiety, Less Fat Storage

  1. For people with sugar issues, resistant starch can improve insulin sensitivity. In the so-called “second meal effect”, fermentable fiber and resistant starch are associated with improved glucose tolerance the next day. This is caused by the presence of the short chain fatty acids, and by a peptide produced in the fermentation process.
  2. Resistant starch produces more satiety, a satisfying feeling of fullness.
  3. Resistant starch consumption is associated with lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  4. Resistant starch, which hardly digests, in a meal is associated with less fat storage after that meal.

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