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Excess Iron Increases Risk of Diabetes

6I remember when I was in my twenties, my family doctor would give me iron pills every time I see him.
Iron deficiency is more common among women while men tend to have excessive iron levels.

Excess iron is stored in your organs, especially your liver, heart and pancreas. Excess iron produces the opposite effect of anti-oxidant, meaning they oxidize your body like rusting and causes premature aging.

How do excess iron increase your risk of diabetes? Excess iron levels may cause damage to muscle tissue, thereby decreasing the body’s ability to move glucose from the blood into cells, thus resulting with too much glucose accumulating in the bloodstream. Excess iron can destroy the cells that produce insulin in your pancreas and cause diabetes as insulin is responsible for using up the glucose.

Chlorogenic acid extracted from green coffee beans, as a health supplement, can help to slow down the amount of glucose entering the bloodstream, activates the body to burn off the excessive fat and glucose, thus helping to regulate your blood sugar level.

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